Monday, March 30, 2009

All for a good cause

Remember the shirt I made for Kevin through Cafe Press (pictured in my sidebar<------)? Well, I've received a number of inquiries from people wanting to know where to get the shirt. So I decided to open a Cafe Press store (did you know you can do that??) and sell t-shirts and sweatshirts with my design (which I've refined just a bit), and here's the great part: I am going to donate 100% of the profits to the Special Olympics. So please check it out and pass the word around.


Brandie said...

I really admire you, Lisa, for living what you believe. Very cool.

Tausha said...

I love the shirts and will show my husband. I am sure he will want to order some. I have to admit though I liked your other one the best. :-)))))))) It's called Down syndrome you F_ _ _ _ _ _ Retard. Oh and by the way, I bought some avocado's today at the store for Sam.

sheree said...


The Sanchez Family said...

Love it! I'll be shopping there.

Lisa said...

Bridget eats avocado almost daily...I started giving them to her when she was about 8 months old and now they are a staple of her diet!

I made a "Bridget's Light" shirt for her on Cafe Press a few years ago and another one with the last two lines of a poem I wrote for her ("I live a Beautiful Life. I am a Beautiful Life.") They were both really cute, but the one with the saying was a little bit off-center. Anyway, about six months later, I got something in the mail from Cafe Press. It was a check for $1. Apparently someone bought a bib with my saying on it :)...