Ahh, thanks for all the support, people.
I called the Speech and Hearing Center yesterday afternoon when I had calmed down (somewhat), and spoke to a supervisor who was very apologetic. It was funny, though, because the chick who was so rude to me in the morning answered the phone and I asked to speak to the office manager and she said "May I tell her what this is regarding?" And I said, "It's regarding YOU and your rudeness." Haa! I think I flustered her.
Anyhow, so I made a new appt. for Finn for tomorrow (Wed.) morning. And I swear, if they keep me waiting more than 5 minutes past my appointment time, they're going to hear about it from me!
After more than two years and 555 posts (556 counting this one!), I'm
saying goodbye to Adventures in Motherhood. I'm ready for a change, and
I've started ...
14 years ago
You go girl! Give it to them :)
Ha! That is AWESOME! You have cajones!
Good for you! Hope it goes smoothly tomorrow!
Love it Lisa! You GO girl!
I would surely let your Pedi know how I was rudely treated. How referrals treat patients is a big factor in whether or not patients get referred to them in the future - atleast with my wife it does. Rudeness should not be tolerated by anyone and it gets under my skin when I see it done or hear that it is done to a patient.
Good for you!
And, you're totally right about being kept waiting tomorrow. Your time is no less important than theirs. And, you would have graciously shown understanding for being kept waiting if they had shown you even the slightest bit.
Go get 'em!
i'd have loved to have seen her face when you said that hahaha. you're an inspiration lisa :)
What a great response!
LMAO!! You tell her! I wish I had ovaries like yours! [Tricia got to say cojones first. ;)]
Hope Finn's eval goes well!
You know what I love about you? You say things to people that I think in my head but don't have the cajones to say out loud!
Love it!
Sounds like you have a lot of guts and I admire that. I have a special needs daughter and we've had to go around and around with a lot of doctors, hospitals, nurses and therapists. Sometimes we are the only advocate our child has and God knew exactly who to give these special kids to.
You go girl! Way to tell it to her straight!!
I love hearing your rants! People suck. I'm glad you called back.
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