Okay, the pity party is over. It was fun while it lasted, but time to get a grip and pull myself together.
It hit me last night, as I enjoyed yet another in an endless string of crappy nights of sleep, that maybe the fluid in Finn's ears is responsible for his not being such a good sleeper. (The sock theory was disproved after about 3 nights.) Every night it's the same thing: He'll sleep for a while in his bassinet (yes, it's time to move him to a crib, and we will be doing the big bedroom shuffle, moving Lilah into a big girl bed in with the twins and Finn into his own room sometime in the not too distant future), and then spend the rest of the night being whiny and restless. Almost every night I end up having to sit up with him sleeping on me in a vertical position. Plus, he's almost always congested. So it's all starting to add up now. I think the boy can hear, although with fluid in his ears I'm sure everything must sound distorted. But aside from that, I would imagine that fluid in one's ears would cause pressure, and that laying down would exacerbate the problem and impact one's ability to sleep peacefully. So I'm suddenly fantasizing about taking care of this fluid problem and seeing all of our nighttime woes become a thing of the past.
All I'm saying is that I think I'm going to view this whole ENT thing with an open mind. And thank you, everyone, for all the feedback after yesterday's post - I really felt so much better after reading everyone else's experiences with hearing evals, tubes, etc.
After more than two years and 555 posts (556 counting this one!), I'm
saying goodbye to Adventures in Motherhood. I'm ready for a change, and
I've started ...
14 years ago
Good theory, Doc. I bet you're right. I remember one week when Evan was waking up many times during the night and we couldn't figure out why. Took him to the doc for a well-check, and a double ear-infection was discovered. So, I definitely think your theory is valid. Hope you're all having sweet dreams soon.
Hi. I'm a new reader and love your blog. Your family is beautiful! My daughter Lena is 6 and has DS. (and is on her fourth set of tubes!) You might also see if your son has silent reflux. Can cause pain while lying down as the acid washes into the esophagus. Lena was on baby zantac (liquid) until she moved to more solid foods. It made a huge difference!
That does seem to make sense. I'll be curious to hear how his next ENT appt. goes. Hang in there, Lisa...
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