I was going to title this post with something including the phrase "Mother of the Year Award" or "Britney Spears," but really, I can't bring myself to try to make this humorous.
Kevin and Joey were bouncing a super ball in the house a little while ago - you know, one of those small solid rubber balls that bounce like crazy? Wanting to join the fun, I got ahold of the ball and threw it against the wall to make it ricochet. I did this a few times, to all of my kids' great awe and enjoyment, until I threw it against the wall and it flew back across two rooms . . . and Finn started screaming from where he was laying on the living room floor minding his own business. It got him right square in the eye socket. And he was doing that not breathing kind of cry. All my fault. I have never felt so terrible in all my life. Except maybe when I accidentally dislocated Lilah's elbow a couple months ago.
Fortunately he let me put ice on it for a good ten minutes. I think he might end up with a shiner.
After more than two years and 555 posts (556 counting this one!), I'm
saying goodbye to Adventures in Motherhood. I'm ready for a change, and
I've started ...
14 years ago
I'm so calling CPS on you! ;-)
Awww, poor Finn, minding his own business and he winds up with a ball in his sweet little face! I must say he always manages to look cute no matter what the situation. I guess from now on the saying in your house will be 'Mom always says don't play ball in the house!' Does that sound familiar?! I'm sure you watched the show I'm quoting from during the 70s.
Poor kid...this is why it is called an accident! Don't beat yourself up...accidents happen!
Oh, Poor Finn. I am sorry, but I can't help but chuckle a LITTLE. This is SO something I would do. He's such a doll that one. Don't beat yourself up, it's true, just one of those crazy things that happens.
Oh my, poor little Finn. Don't cry little buddy it will be OK.
Poor baby! Thank goodness they forget and forgive quickly! You were probably back to being mother of the year before you could get the ice pack.
Oh no! Poor Finn! Shame - and out of nowhere!
But these things happen to the best of us!
Add another Awwww!
Oh poor Finn - he is so cute even with a red eye!
poor little punkin! He's so dang cute.
Oh, poor Finn and poor you. He still looks awful cute though!
Ouch!Poor little cutie:)
OMG, I'm sorry but he's soooooo cute with a shiner!
Ugh, that probably hurt you even more than it hurt him! Poor mommy!
I know it is so wrong, but I giggled when I read this. Not because I am sadistic and get excited when kids get hurt, but because that sounds like something that would happen in my house! What a sweet face!!!
Aww, poor little guy. Yeah, he does look like he's questioning you in that last pic, like grow up Mom, don't thow balls in the house. LOL
Ouch! Poor guy! I'm sure he was quick to forgive you though :)
Moms can't win, huh? You try to bend the rules and be cool and then BAM! He's still so adorable though.
OMG! Whenever I break my own rules and get a little crazy with my kids something always gets broken or someone gets hurt. How is his eye now? Hugs to you both.
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