Sunday, July 19, 2009

Teeth and Sleep

Well, Finn seems to be working on a whole mess of teeth at the moment. I was feeling around in there today and felt 3 or 4 getting ready to come through. No wonder the boy has been up and down at night! That said, I've given him baby Motrin before bed the last two nights and it seems to help. I've only gotten up with him twice each of the last two nights. I have to say, though, that it also could have something to do with the fact that I decided to stop using the baby monitor. That thing amplifies every whimper, which means I have been getting up with him at every whimper. The fact is, his crib is directly on the other side of the wall from our bed, so if he really cries, I'm going to hear him through the wall.

Tomorrow morning he has a hearing evaluation scheduled. I really have noticed that he responds to sounds a lot more since having the tubes placed, so it will be interesting to see how the eval goes.


Monica Crumley said...

Ahhh, yes, I used to forget to turn on the monitor and would sleep so soundly. Ignorance is bliss -- I'd have no idea what kind of night he had, but I know mine was good :-)

Michelle said...

Good luck at the eval - and glad to hear you've been getting more sleep!

Lisa said...

Good luck with the eval tomorrow... and I hope those teeth come in soon. Sheridan is waking up a lot at night, too because of teething, but I can't tell if there are actually any teeth ready to come in. I know this is a stupid question, but as a first time mom I have no idea... what does it feel like when you felt his teeth ready to come in? I just don't know what I'm looking or feeling for :(

Lisa said...

Lisa, when the teeth are close to the surface of the gums, you can sort of feel the outline of the teeth. Sometimes it's kind of subtle, it just depends on how close to the surface they are. You might feel little bumps, and a lot of times the gums become inflamed when a tooth is ready to break through. With Finn, it seems like it takes forrrreeevvver for a tooth to actually break through even when I can feel it with my finger below the surface. Hope this helps!

Loren Stow said...

Good luck with the teeth! I hope it gets better for Finn (they say that it usually gets better as the children get more and more teeth) - well I'm holding thumbs!

sheree said...

poor Finn. Let's hope those teeth pop through asap and stop giving him so much grief!!

Carla said...

After about 6 months of age, I've found that ibuprofen works better on my kids than acetiminophen (sp.?)....maybe because the ibuprofen also has an anti-inflammatory function. I've started waiting for the full on cry from JT now, too. Otherwise, I think I'm waking him a lot of the time. ;-)

Lisa said...

Thanks, Lisa! That helps!