Before I follow the rules that go with this award, I just want to say that I know that these silly blog awards probably don't mean much to everyone. They mean a lot to me, however, because they make me feel as though the things I write about mean something to other people . . . that people care about what I have to say. Although I didn't initially start blogging for the accolades (and I still don't do it for that purpose), it is a really nice feeling to be recognized, and to feel like part of something bigger than oneself, you know?
It's hard to choose just 5 blogs, because there are so many more than 5 that have become a part of my daily life!
So, here are the rules: list 5 blogs I find fabulous, and then 5 things I find fabulous.
5 Fabulous Blogs (in no particular order):
Our Normal Life - Karly was one of the first people to reach out to me after Finn was born. I knew her a little bit from a pregnancy bulletin board that she and I both frequented. She was the very first person to leave a comment when I started this blog, and I have really enjoyed getting to know her via her blog and enjoy checking it every day :)
Days With Dylan - Laurie and I have been traveling this path pretty simultaneously from the beginning. Her blog is another that I check compulsively every day to see how sweet little Dylan is doing.
Audrey and Stella's Playground - Megan has a terrific blog about her two adorable little girls and life as a mom.
Down Right Faith - Jeanette's blog is wonderful. I love her insights!
Ruby's Life - Cheryl is new to blogging, but I hope she keeps at it. I am looking forward to following Ruby's journey.
5 Fabulous Things (in my world, anyway!)
~ The sweet baby smell of Finnian
~ Filet mignon, medium rare
~ I Love Lucy reruns
~ BumGenius cloth diapers
~ My life. Seriously.
I am honored, Lisa. You are so wonderful for sharing your family's journey with such honesty. I went through all of the same things you have gone through (but I wasn't blogging at the time) and I know how much it means to new moms to know they are not alone. You are awesome!
How sweet of you,Lisa.You have made me feel so welcome here in the blogging world.I am so glad I found you,a mom who feels alot like I do about our special children.
Thank you very much Lisa. I love these awards as well. It warms my heart to think that people are interested in our little corner of the world. I love your site. It is amazing to me how my own thoughts can be reflected in your words. Sometimes I don't even know I have thoughts until I see them and say "Oh yeah, I think that too". Finn is a lucky little boy! I am glad that I found you.
Oh Lisa. Thank you so much for thinking of me. I think the world of you and am quite obsessed wtih your blog, haha.
Love you to bits~
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