Anyhow, so I gave him a little bit of mashed banana mixed with breast milk (screw rice cereal - I'm a rebel!). He really seemed pretty indifferent to it. He allowed me to spoon it into his mouth, and didn't make all those "I just sucked on a lemon" faces. Most of it ended up on his bib - whether because he didn't care for it, didn't know what to do with it, or what, I don't know.
I have started putting a few Cheerios on his Bumbo tray, and he sort of plays with them (as in sweeping them off the tray), but he's never even attempted to put one into his mouth. Then again, he doesn't really mouth his toys either. He mouths his hands if he's hungry though.
So anyway, that was our excitement for the day - not all that exciting.
He is such a cutie :)
oh dear Lord is he ever cute! look at him munching those bananas. sydney just recently started showing interest in food. we tried @ 4 months but most of it was spit out so i never kept trying, lol. she loves banana & prune in one of those mesh feeders though. (we're kind of doing the baby led weaning too...screw purees :P)
Try not to worry too much- he might be under reactive to oral stim and you could give him textured things but what's the rush? He will eat solids sometime! EI person should have ideas about feeding issues- more than pedi may.
My goodness, he just gets cuter and cuter. The color of his hair is just divine. JT is interested in very runny (made so by breast milk) rice cereal and nothing else so we're just going to stick to that for a while. No rush, as you well know. He does get mad though if we're all at the table eating and he doesn't have his rice cereal, too! I've always heard that the only necessary thing by about 6 months is iron (hence the iron fortified cereals) since the stores in your milk supply are about gone by that time. Other than that, I've also read that other foods aren't nutritionally necessarily for exclusively breastfed babies until they are about 8 months you are right on track!
Can I just say that that first picture is the cutest thing EVER!! : )
Those pictures are just precious. He is adorable.
I did some baby led weaning when we started Zach on solids. It's nice because it is totally laid back and no pressure. Just overcook some food and let Finn experience it in his own way. When you sit down to dinner, he gets some safe food on his tray while everyone eats. He will start to mimic you guys and unti lthen, he will get to play with texture and smell and taste. There are some good websites- if you Google it, you'll find them!
He is absolutely precious!!
yeah, forget the rice cereal. Goldie started with avacado. fyi we had her iron checked at 12 months and it was perfect. But, I understand the pressure. Once he starts eating more you'll have a lot of fun watching him try new foods. I loved making food for Goldie.
It took awile for my copy to arrive too. Still haven't finished reading it.
Finn looks cute trying it out. I think just letting him explore is great. Ella isn't wild about banas, but does like tgem better quartered into little fingers. Easier to hold.
Finn is sooooo cute! I love your blog and have been reading it for awhile now. I also have a little boy with ds. His name is Kenneth and he'll be 3 next month. I have 3 other boys and one of them is a Kevin too. My Kevin is 12 and your Kevin sounds alot like my Kevin; very caring and sensitive. Anyway, I wanted to finally post a comment and say 'hi'!
His strawberry blonde hair is ADORABLE!!! I just want to eat him up!
um...any day with THAT much gorgeousness is bound to be exciting blog fodder!!!
I love the shot of him looking at the spoon! I just imagine him thinking, "How will this help with breast milk?"
Hi Lisa, Grant is 9 months old now and he is totally not interested in eating. My older son didn't eat until he was 13 months old. Food is over-rated...stick with breastmilk ;)
Hey, just wanted to let you know I gave you an award on my blog! Not sure if you've already received it from someone else though...
Love his hair in those pics, Lisa! And hey, try not to worry about the solid food thing. I know, easier said than done.
So much of what I read about Finn mirrors my concerns with Rinnah, and she doesn't have any special diagnosis. She's about a week older than Finn but she isn't into solid foods yet either (although she enjoys gnawing on rice cakes) and is also still really small (15lb 3oz this week fully clothed) and is not mobile yet. It's okay-Finn and Rinnah will both do things in their own time, and I figure this just gives us a little extra time to enjoy their babyhood.
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