Tuesday, May 25, 2010

There's a New Superhero in Town, and His Name is Kevin.

There was an incident at school today. Here, Kevin, age 13, recounts it in his own words:

So today I came out of my first period class (language arts), and my friend came out of his first period class (tech). He told me that we had a substitute in tech. And then he told me that in class, the sub had used the word “retarded.” He told me that she said, “Oh, hey, I did this thing wrong. I must be really retarded today.” I couldn’t believe it, and neither could he. So I waited for period 4 to roll around, which is when I have technology. And after class I went to the sub and asked to talk to her. I said, “I heard in first period that you used the word ‘retarded’.” At first she tried the denial approach. “Oh, did I?” she said, sounding surprised. “Yes, you did,” I said. “And I just want you to know that that word is a very offensive word referring to disabled people, and that I have a brother with a disability.” “Well,” she said, “I think it depends on the context you use it in.” “No.” I said simply. “No. It really doesn’t.” “Well,” she continued, (personally, I think she was still attempting to defend herself. Some adults are like children! They won’t own up to the fact that they made a mistake.) “I would never use the word referring to someone with special needs. I respect your view.” “Thank you.” I said, and left. It was a bit embarrassing because the kids in line for the next class were staring at me. I’m not sure why. But I’m glad I did it because if I hadn’t I would have felt guilty or disappointed, and when I told my friend that told me in the first place what happened, he said “Way to go, dude! You stood up to a teacher!”

The kid's got chutzpah, don't you think? And certainly more integrity and more heart than some adults.

I am blown away that a teacher would so casually throw a word like that around. I can hardly wrap my head around it.

And it still amazes me how people will defend their use of the word by saying that they were not directing it at a person with actual disabilities, and they wouldn't dream of doing any such thing. I mean, really. How can people not see that when you say anything or anyone is "retarded," you are making a derogatory comparison to a person with actual developmental disabilities? So, by their logic, would it be okay to say "nigger" as long as you weren't actually saying it about a black person? Or would it be okay to say "faggot" so long as you weren't actually directing it to a person who is homosexual?

Come on, people.

In any event, I am incredibly proud of Kevin.


Adrienne said...

Wow, that's awesome! Finnian's got one cool big brother! You should be very proud!! And his friend is cool too;)

Mel said...

What a great kid he is. It takes such guts to stand up to someone, especially in a position of authority, and in such a mature way. What an amazing young man you have :)

The Sanchez Family said...

I'll say it again...Kevin is an outstanding young man. Oh what a wonderful big brother he is to ALL our kids :) Please tell him thank you!

Nicole O'Dell said...

What a wonderful guy. WTG, Kevin!

Jenn said...

what an awesome kid, thanks Kevin!

heidi marie said...

WAY TO GO KEVIN! while i don't even know you, i'm so very, VERY PROUD OF YOU!

diane rene said...

great job, Kevin!

I love it when kids just "get it" and then they put it out there for others. it really is just as simple as it sounds, yet some people have such a hard time grasping the concept.

sheree said...

what Kevin did today was absolutely INCREDIBLE! What a guy!!

Sasha@ Blyssfulhealth said...

Kevin, that is so amazing. Way to go. You did a great job. The teacher has some things to learn from you!!!

Wendy P said...

Kevin is such an awesome young man.

Amber said...

A new one I've been noticing lately is "that's so gay!" People are just so unwilling to use a little verbal creativity to come up with descriptors that aren't offensive to entire groups of people. Pretty lazy and thoughtless, really.

So good on Kevin. That really takes a lot of nerve to do what he did!

Unknown said...

Kevin is such a cool kid. He's got more guts than I do. There's a guy on the fire department with me who calls people he's annoyed with "homo". I want to tell him that as a lesbian, I find that offensive. I can't bring myself to speak up. You go, Kevin!

Melissa said...

Kevin is awesome!! And the really sad thing is, when having a conversation about the R word with my MIL in law she actually used nigger as an example of why retarded wasn't offensive. GRRR!! Still makes me mad, but other than constantly educating I don't know what to do...

Far Above Rubies said...

That is pretty cool. Good job, Kevin. I'm proud of you.

Lisa, I'm reposting this on my FB page.

God bless,

Windmills and Tulips