Thursday, July 22, 2010



Cheri said...

Hmnnn...I'm confused, why the different amounts billed each time for the same 1 hour service? This is interesting...I have never received anything like this from our regional center in LA County but what really is the purpose of this, to guilt us into not accepting services? I am sure it is for accountability but still confused on the different dollar amounts. always have good juicy stuff to share ;)...wish you lived next door!

heather said...

I think this is just to make sure services aren't being billed to the state that were never received. I work in home health and our Medicare patients get the same statements even though the services are covered at 100%. Just to make sure nurses aren't falsely submitted visits. And the different amounts were probably for evaluations and IFSP stuff.

Tara said...

And he's worth every penny the state paid!!!

Brandie said...

We used to get these monthly from one of Goldie's EI providers. They always billed in 15 min increments and it was a set amount for each 15 minutes. There was a set rate for each therapy. Goldie received up to 3 therapies a week, at one point, so this was the best way to verify that they were billing for what she actually received.

Crittle said...

We got something similar last week that covered all of last year. Totally random! It did confirm what I learned a while back though...for just basic EI services, the state pays like $1100/month for my kid. It's a shame, I think, that the support doesn't match the price.

Tracy said...

We received this document too, for our two olders with ASD. Haven't seen one for Jack yet, but I'm sure it's coming. We're also in LA County.