Thursday, October 8, 2009

15-month well-baby checkup

While we were waiting to see the doctor, Finn entertained himself with the paper on the exam table. He had great fun with that :)

So, here's the lowdown: at 15 months, Finn weighs 18 lbs. 4 oz. That's only a 2 oz. gain from three months ago. I already knew that his weight gain had pretty much come to a standstill - and I don't think it's because he stopped nursing because he stopped gaining weight long before he stopped nursing a couple weeks ago. However, at this point the doctor is not too concerned since he's still at a good weight (and still weighs more than a couple of my other kids did at the same age), and both his length and head circumference increased, so he is growing. (And, for what it's worth, he did have blood work done at his 12-month checkup and his thyroid function came back normal.) So. I'm not overly concerned at this point. But the doc did suggest adding olive oil to his food to add some calories, which had already been suggested to me by a friend, so I'll try that and see what happens.

Finn also has what the doctor thinks is a fatty tumor on his ear. I actually noticed this a few months ago and forgot to mention it at his last checkup, and it's gotten bigger since then. I thought it was a cyst that could be drained, but no, the pedi says it's a fatty tumor that has to be removed under sedation! Boo. I'm not eager to have him put under again, but I think this warrants it. The growth has actually grown big enough at this point that it's pushing his ear out from his head a little (probably not noticeable to most people, but I notice it). Interestingly, the procedure needs to be done by an ENT (I would have thought a dermatologist!) because it's on his ear. Whatever. That actually works out well, because now they can go ahead and do that sedated ABR they wanted to do, remember? (See here and here.)

Other than that, we got a referral to go back to the opthamologist for a regular checkup, and he's supposed to see the cardiologist again in January for an echo to check on his ASD, but the doc couldn't even hear a murmur today, so I'm totally not worried about that. No vaccines, 'cause I'm a rebel like that, and that's it ;)


ds.mama said...

Love the pics... he's wrecking the joint. Are you going to get a second opinion from the ENT on the fatty tumor? Sedation.. yuck. On another note we got an ABR done with no sedation needed. I guess some places have special machines that can get the results even if the kid is awake and moves a little bit. We ate puffs the whole time to stay "occupied".

Mel said...

He's so cute. Luke has had a period of little growth and I was getting quite concerned, but I just had him weighed and measured and he has grown a lot. Then I read that kids with DS have longer growth spurts and longer periods without growth than non-chromosomally enhanced :) kids, so their growth pattern is more of a stepped shape than a smooth curve. Wish I knew that BEFORE the worry!

Monica Crumley said...

Totally looks like John Michael destroying, I mean, having fun at the doctor's. From 12 to 15 months, John Michael lost weight and didn't grow in length at all. The doc said it was probably due to his increased movement (crawling) and reduction in calories. By 18 month check up, he made up for the loss. I'm glad you're not too worried... it seems like a common transition as he grows older. He's adorable as usual!

Stephanie said...

Great pics,what is it with that paper? Emmie shreds it everytime we're at the doctors. everything sounds good!

A Lady Called Amy said...

I love how paper can be so entertaining!

Megan said...

We had the same experience between 12 and 15 months.

Regarding the ABR, what are you hoping to gain? He passed his newborn screening, right? Ds doesn't cause hearing loss. The hearing loss that's associated with Ds is when there is fluid in the ear. They won't do an ABR if there's fluid. It just seems counterintuitive.

Sasha@ Blyssfulhealth said...

Love that he played with the paper with so much passion. Glad to hear that everything went well

Lisa said...

Glad to hear the good news... and love the pics. I have the same exact pictures of Sheridan doing that with the exam room paper. What is it with that paper? It's like kids can't resist the stuff! As for the sedation... sorry it looks like Finn will have to go under. Sheridan was able to do an ABR while he was a bit sleepy and tired, and just laid in my arms pretty still. So I know it can be done without sedation (but he was MUCH younger then and likely wouldn't be so cooperative now at 13 months!).

Cate said...

crinkly paper! Abby loves that stuff.

sucks about the tumor. like you need another hurdle.

yay for overall good health, though!

heidi marie said...

the pics remind of henry. he's obsessed with the paper, too. finnian is getting so big. he looks so much taller these days. and part of the no weight gain might be that he's just moving around more.

i hate that he has to be sedated. anytime you have to do that stinks, but maybe it's a good thing since they can do the abr test done.

Carla said...

I'll be curious to hear how the hearing stuff goes. We're asking for a referral to an ENT tomorrow for JT because he's had four ear infection in 13 months. None of them have involved the actual eardrum; they've all been buildup behind the ear drum so tubes could help. Both my kids have also always loved the paper. Even at their sickest they go crazy kicking at the stuff.